Careers & Work Related Learning
Here is our Employer Prospectus.
This brochure outlines the key careers events planned for the current academic year. If you are interested in volunteering for any of these, or would like to discuss other ways of engaging with your future work force please do get in touch.
Andrew Webb
Careers Leader
Careers education is delivered to all students across the school during weekly lessons timetabled as part of morning registration.
The programme comprises mainly of lessons from the Unifrog platform, which all students have access to. This allows all students to undertake further research as well as keep a log of their career related activities. Where appropriate lessons are developed by school staff using material from other sources, for example ‘Job of the Month’.
All lessons are benchmarked against the Gatsby Benchmarks. The Gatsby Benchmarks were developed on behalf of the Gatsby Foundation by Sir John Holman. They define what world class careers provision in education looks like and provide a clear framework for organising the careers provision in Featherstone High School. The benchmarks are enshrined in statutory guidance.
What is Work-Related Learning?
Learning about work, for work, through work. Work Related Learning is an umbrella term for planned programmes of activities and qualifications that help pupils make an effective transition from school to work.
This includes:
Employers working in schools
Pupils learning in the workplace
Work-Related qualifications and key skills for pupils
Career planning for pupils
Enterprise Education
Work Related Learning is now a statutory requirement for all pupils at key stage 4.
We deliver activities in close partnership with the business community, which develop young people’s understanding of the world of work and enhance their employability skills. Spark! and the West London Careers Hub's Enterprise Co-ordinator help to develop the partnership between our school and businesses across West London.
Have a look at our PSHE page to see where work related learning fits in.
Work Experience
All Year 12s are given the opportunity to volunteer as Reading Buddies with younger year groups at local primaries and here at Feathersone. All pupils are also strongly encouraged to plan their own work experience/volunteering during school holidays. We offer advice through the Careers Programme. This is especially important for those who are keen to study Medicine, Dentistry or Veterinary Science at University. Many companies now offer virtual work experiences delivered online
The aim of work experience is:
To get a taster of what the world of work is about.
To help pupils decide on their future career path.
To make pupils more knowledgeable and confident when they apply for jobs.
To find out what is expected of an employee.
Careers Education and Guidance. Shami Bahra, the Connexions Personal Advisor, is in school and available to all pupils to give advice on a wide range of issues specific to their individual needs. The Connexions Advisor is a careers specialist and can offer pupils guidance when planning for their future beyond Featherstone High School. You can contact Ms Bahra at
The Quality in Careers Standard
The Quality in Careers Standard
The school is currently seeking re-accreditation for The Quality in Careers Standard through CSW Investor in Careers, the national quality award for Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) in schools, colleges and work-based learning.
Access to high quality CEIAG provision allows students to have a greater opportunity to broaden their horizons, raise aspirations and help them make the right choices at key transition points.
Parents wanting more information about the re-accreditation or able to support the school’s careers programme through student presentations or work experience should email Andrew Webb, Careers Leader, Mr Webb.
If you have any questions about our careers provision, please get in touch with Mr Webb, Career’s Leader, on the school phone number: 020 8843 0884 or email him on