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Starting school in Sep 24


Many congratulations on securing a place at Featherstone High and welcome to our learning community. Your child joins us at a truly exciting time. You will quickly appreciate that Featherstone is a warm and hard working community striving for excellence in all we do. We want children to leave school having maximised their academic progress but also with fond memories of wider experiences and lifelong friendships. Whether the criteria is academic, social and personal, or sporting, this is an exceptional school.

Here is our Information Booklet for our new parents:

Our Librarians have prepared a magazine for our new Year 7 students with lots of recommendations and a challenge to write a review or produce a mood board and bring to the library in September for display. We want you as parents and carers to encourage your children to keep reading and below is information to support you. 

You can follow us on Instagram for a flavour of life at Featherstone High (@featherstonehigh)



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How will my child know where to go on the first day?

Plenty of staff will be on hand to meet your child at the front gate and direct them to the appropriate place.

Can my child be in the same tutor group as their best friend?

Using the knowledge of the students that has been collated from their Year 6 teachers, we do our best to place each student in the tutor group that is right for them. The Year 7 tutor groups are carefully constructed to allow the possibility for new friendships to develop and students to be supported in an effective way. There will usually be at least one other member of the tutor group from a student’s link primary/junior school, but it should be noted that this is unlikely to always be a ‘best friend’.

How many students are there in a tutor group?

There are around 30 students in each tutor group

How do I contact the school?

Your main point of contact with the school should be through your child’s form tutor by writing in your child’s student planner – Home Comments. Any queries or concerns should be sent to them initially. If you feel you would like to speak to someone other than your child’s form tutor you can contact either the Head of Year or Deputy Head of Year. All contact details can be found on the school website.

What if my child is too ill to attend school?

If your child is too ill to attend school you should phone the main school on the morning of your child’s absence before 9am. Please report their name, form and brief reason for absence.

Will they need a PE kit on the first day?

No, PE will not be taught on the induction day.

Will they get lockers?

We don’t have the space for students to have lockers. As students will have 3 or 4 lessons a day they won’t need to bring many books and equipment into school.

What do they do about getting lunch?

Students can get food from one of the locations or bring packed lunch. They will pay by using their thumb print linked to their ParentPay account which you will need to top up in advance. We will send you information explaining how you can do this.

How will my child find their way around school?

Lots of staff will be out and about at lesson changeover to ensure that students know where to go. They will also be provided with a map of the buildings. Students will also be given a tour of the school on induction day.

What if my child forgets something?

Teachers will be understanding especially in the early weeks of the term. If they need something important, we will contact home for it to be sent in.

Where can I get the uniform and what are the expectations?

Your child is expected to wear the school uniform at all times including travelling to and from school. Please click here for our uniform page.

How much homework will my child get?

All Home Learning tasks will be recorded in their planners. There are also timetables for Home Learning on the school website.

How can I check what homework my child is set?

All students are required to write home learning set into their planners so please check this first.

What are the rules on mobile phones?

Students are not allowed to have mobile phones in school. If it is seen or heard by a member of staff, it will be confiscated. Confiscated phones are only returned on a Friday to a parent/carer. If a student needs to bring a phone into school a parent/carer must write a request addressed to the Head of Year who will have the final say. If permission is granted the phone must be handed into Student Services at the beginning of the school day and collected when school ends.

What if my child is ill before school / during the school day?

If your child is ill before school, you may decide to send them. You can ring in to alert Student Services. If they become ill during the school day, they should go to first aid. They will then be assessed and you will be contacted if it is necessary.

What equipment will they need?

A full uniform and equipment list is printed in the planner. They should have a pencil case with pens, (including a green pen), pencil, sharpener, rubber, ruler, glue stick and scientific calculator.

What is the school planner and how will my child use it?

The planner is a communication tool between home and school. Your child is expected to write any Home Learning tasks that they have in the planner. If you wish to update us, you can use the planner to write in a note.

What can my child do if they are upset or having friendship issues?

They can talk to any member of staff who will help them. There is a pastoral team which consists of their tutor, head of year, deputy head of year and a learning mentor. There will always be a member of staff available to support your child with friendship issues.

Where can my child find out about extra-curricular clubs?

There will be information in tutor rooms and circulated around year offices and in assemblies.

What time does my child need to be at school?

All Year 7 students need to be on site for 8.20am each day. Registration is at 8.30am.

Where can I find the schools key dates and information?

This website is regularly updated with key information.

What if my child loses something at school?

Please ensure all clothing and equipment is clearly named. Lost property goes to Student Services where students can go to claim items.

How do I pay for my child’s school dinner / school trips?

You can make electronic payments through our cashless system, ParentPay. We will send you a letter detailing the unique user ID and password to access your secure online ParentPay account.

What happens if my child loses their tie?