Safeguarding Team
At Featherstone High School keeping children and young people safe from harm is our number one priority. We have a Safeguarding Team and additionally a team of Learning Mentors and a School Counselling Service.
The Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) is Mr Adams, Deputy Headteacher. The DSL has a legal responsibility to deal with safeguarding issues related to all students, providing advice and support to staff, liaising with the Local Authority, and working with a range of other agencies. There are five other members of the team who support Mr Adams to carry out these responsibilities.
All students have the right to be safe from harm and protected from all forms of abuse. This includes all areas of life such as at home, in school, when you are with family and friends and when online. If you are being mistreated or aware of another child or young person who is, please tell someone at your earliest opportunity. In school you can speak to any member of staff who you trust or any adult at home or in your family.
If you (or another child) is in immediate danger, don’t delay call the Police on 999. Explain to them where you are, what has happened and they will send a Police officer to help you.
The Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) is: Mr Adams
Deputy Headteacher
Ext: 236
Office situated in the B Block
If the DSL is not available, you can speak to one of the team below:
Deputy DSL: Ms Natasha Henry
Office in the Orchard Building
Ms Rughani: Safeguarding Officer & Young Carers Lead
Ms Johnson: Safeguarding Officer
Ms Stribling: Assistant Headteacher: Behaviour and Inclusion KS3
Ms Patel: Assistant Headteacher: Children with Additional Needs (SENCo)
For more information on Safeguarding and Child Protection & how to keep yourself safe please go to
Useful organisations and links
For more information on Safeguarding and Child Protection & how to keep yourself safe please go to
For information and advice on how to keep yourself safe online please go to: or
The following additional contacts can provide useful sources of information and support in relation to safeguarding concerns:
Anxiety UK: Charity providing support if you have been diagnosed with an anxiety condition.
Calm: CALM is the Campaign Against Living Miserably, for men ages 15 to 35.
ChildLine: Confidential helpline for young people.
Circle Cafe: This is a hub space and cafe that offers support for young people in Ealing who are at or near crisis point with their mental health.
Ealing children’s services: Advice and support for families and young people.
Kidscape: Advice for children and families around bullying.
Kooth: Free, safe and anonymous support. Sign up to make use of online counselling services.
Men’s Mental Health Forum: To improve the health of men and boys. 24/7 stress support for men via text, chat and email.
Mind: Promotes the views and needs of people with mental health problems.
Papyrus: Confidential help for young people, dedicated To the prevention of suicide and promoting positive emotional health and well-being In young people.
Samaritans: Confidential support for people experiencing feelings of distress and despair.
Sane: Emotional support, information and guidance for people affected by mental illness, their families and carers.
Refugee Council: The Refugee Council is a leading charity working with refugees and people seeking asylum in the UK.
Rape Crisis: Charity working to end child sexual abuse, rape, sexual assault, sexual harassment and all other forms of sexual violence.
Young minds: Mental health support for young people.
Victim Support: Support for people who have been victims of crime.
Learning Mentors are here to support your wellbeing and to help you reach your potential.
If you are experiencing difficulties or want to ask our advice, we are here to help. There may also be other services we can signpost you to for further support. We are part of the Social Inclusion Department and we work in The Orchard (the house opposite the back entrance of the sixth form). There are posters around the school with further information. If you would like to speak to one of us:
- Email us
- Come and speak to us! We are often on lunch duties or walking around the school at registration time
- Ask your form tutor or Head of Year to contact us on your behalf
- Ring the black doorbell on The Orchard gate at breaktime or lunchtime
Schools Counselling Partnership
The Schools Counselling Partnership is working to improve the emotional wellbeing of children, parents/carers and staff by offering support to the whole school community
Often when we are struggling, we withdraw from friends and family, isolating ourselves rather than asking for help. Maybe we don’t want to burden others with our troubles or we feel that no one will listen. Please don’t suffer alone.
If you are struggling with anxiety, have experienced bereavement, had a family breakdown, or suffered a job loss, we are here to support you. If you are worried about your child, how to support them with their anxieties, their behaviour and emotional wellbeing, we are here to support you. We offer a confidential space in which thoughts and feelings can be explored without judgement.
If you would like some support please contact:
Samira Damree
Therapeutic Lead in School
T: 07368 290 102