Food & Nutrition
Food Technology is taught in Year 7-9 food as part of Design Technology.
At KS4 the pupils study GCSE Food & Nutrition. Pupils are taught how to cook and apply the principles of nutrition and healthy eating. We aim to instil a love of cooking in pupils. They learn to cook a repertoire of balanced recipes with a range of cooking techniques, using different utensils and applying heat in a variety of ways. Pupils explore sensory analysis, understand, seasonality and explore a range of ingredients. Within Key stage 4 pupils have the opportunity to explore functional and chemical properties of food. They also explore technological developments and factors that affect food choice.
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Dishes Created by Our Year 10 & 11 STUDENTS
Exam Boards:
GCSE Food Preparation & Nutrition: EDUQAS
Statement of Intent
To teach a subject that encourages Health and Wellbeing through the preparation, cooking, consumption and knowledge of seasonal and local food. The science behind food and the building of practical skills using seasonal local products and foods relating to the learners own cultural identity and nationality. Linking the “Art of food presentation”, “History of food provenance” and food trends students are encouraged to look at varying roles in the constantly evolving food industry. Throughout their time here, the students will have opportunities to follow enrichment activities aimed at charities supported by the school, such Macmillan, Children in Need, Future Chef Competition as well as food displays created by the learners for holiday celebrations. We will also be giving the students the opportunity to take part in a business enterprise project, which could see the students produce a product that could go on sale to the public! We enrich student cultural capital by respecting and embracing cultural diversity, doing this through the visits to local market shops and the fusion of foods. Promoting as much as possible diversity and inclusivity through the discussion of food choices and celebrating cultural differences. Current Government and social concerns regarding child and adult obesity make this subject and its key topic current and relevant at this time. Ensuring that learners are aware of where their food comes from and the impact on the environment and themselves is key to promoting good Mental and physical wellbeing. The students are encouraged to critically think about their food choices At KS4 we are using the Eduqas exam board, we have developed a culture of Challenge. Students spend their time building on themes and concepts introduced during KS3. FHS5 is embedded into teaching and learning to best empower our learners to develop and modify recipes according to dietary needs using practical skills grown throughout the course. Literacy and maths are continuously embedded within the course so that the work is challenging and appropriate for all learners and is re-enforced through self and peer evaluations. Once the foundation is laid in Year 9, it is then easier to make accelerated progress through the content. Also the use of digital learning platforms will help the learners to form independent opinions and views to make for exciting and challenging discussions. Moving on students could go on to do an Industry related catering course or do BTEC Level 3 in Hospitality or Eduquas Level 3 in Food and Nutrition to go to University and do a food related degree.